Source code for sap.spectra

#!/usr/bin/env python
# file
# author Florent Guiotte <>
# version 0.0
# date 01 juil. 2020

This submodule contains pattern spectra related functions.


>>> import sap
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

>>> image = np.arange(100 * 100).reshape(100, 100)

Create the pattern spectrum (PS) of `image` with attributes area and
compactness with the max-tree.

>>> tree = sap.MaxTree(image)
>>> ps = sap.spectrum2d(tree, 'area', 'compactness', x_log=True)
>>> sap.show_spectrum(*ps)

.. image:: ../../img/ps.png

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl

[docs]def get_bins(x, count=10, space='lin', outliers=0.): """ Return the bin edges over the values of x. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray The values to be binned. count : int, optional Bin count to be returned. Default is 10. space : str, optional Spacing rule used to compute the bin. Can be 'lin' for linear spacing (default) or 'geo' for logarithmic spacing. outliers : float, optional Extremum quantiles to be considered as outliers to remove from the values before computing the bins. Returns ------- bin_edges : ndarray, shape(count + 1,) The edges defining the bins. See Also -------- get_space : Return spaced numbers with min and max values. """ return get_space(*np.quantile(x, (outliers, 1 - outliers)), count + 1, space)
[docs]def get_space(vmin, vmax, thresholds=10, space='lin'): """ Return spaced numbers over the range defined by vmin and vmax. Parameters ---------- vmin : scalar The min value of the range. vmax : scalar The max value of the range. thresholds : int, optional The count of samples to be returned. Default is 10. space : str, optional Spacing rule used to compute the samples. Can be 'lin' for linear spacing (default) or 'geo' for logarithmic spacing. Returns ------- samples : ndarray, shape(thresholds,) Spaced numbers over the range defined by vmin and vmax. See Also -------- get_bins : Return the bin edges of a distribution. Notes ----- When using 'geo' spacing, the range cannot include 0. The function will offset ``vmin`` to 0.1 if ``vmin`` is 0, as a workaround. """ if space == 'lin': return _get_space_lin(vmin, vmax, thresholds) if space == 'geo': vmin = 0.1 * np.sign(vmax) if vmin == 0 else vmin #vmax = 0.1 * np.sign(vmin) if vmax == 0 else vmax return _get_space_geo(vmin, vmax, thresholds)
def _get_space_lin(vmin, vmax, thresholds): return np.linspace(vmin, vmax, thresholds) def _get_space_geo(vmin, vmax, thresholds): return np.geomspace(vmin, vmax, thresholds)
[docs]def spectrum2d(tree, x_attribute, y_attribute, x_count=100, y_count=100, x_log=False, y_log=False, weighted=True, normalized=True): """ Compute 2D pattern spectrum. Parameters ---------- tree : sap.trees.Tree The tree used for creating the pattern spectrum. x_attribute : str The name of the attribute to be used on the x-axis. y_attribute : str The name of the attribute to be used on the y-axis. x_count : int, optional The number of bins along the x-axis. Default is 100. y_count : int, optional The number of bins along the y-axis. Default is 100. x_log : bool, optional If ``True``, the x-axis will be set to be a log scale. Default is ``False``. y_log : bool, optional If ``True``, the y-axis will be set to be a log scale. Default is ``False``. weighted : bool, optional If ``True``, the pattern spectrum is weighted. Each node of the tree will be weighted according to its size. This is the normal behaviour of pattern spectrum. If ``False`` the spectrum is not weighted, the output is a 2D histogram counting the number of nodes. Default is ``True``. normalized : bool, optional If ``True``, the weights of the spectrum are normalized with the size of the image. If ``False`` or ``weighted`` is ``False``, the spectrum is not normalized. Default is ``True``. Returns ------- s : ndarray, shape(x_count, y_count) The pattern spectrum. xedges : ndarray, shape(x_count + 1,) The bin edges along the x-axis. yedges : ndarray, shape(y_count + 1,) The bin edges along the y-axis. x_log : bool The parameter x_log indicating if the x-axis is a log scale. y_log : bool The parameter y_log indicating if the y-axis is a log scale. See Also -------- sap.trees.available_attributes : List the name of available attributes. """ x = tree.get_attribute(x_attribute) y = tree.get_attribute(y_attribute) bins = (get_bins(x, x_count, 'geo' if x_log else 'lin'), get_bins(y, y_count, 'geo' if y_log else 'lin')) weights = _compute_node_weights(tree) if weighted else None weights = weights / tree._image.size if normalized and weighted else weights #weights = weights / weights.max() if normalized and weighted else weights #weights = weights / weights.sum() if normalized and weighted else weights s, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x, y, bins=bins, density=None, weights=weights) return s, xedges, yedges, x_log, y_log
def _compute_node_weights(tree): """ Compute the node weights for weighted spectra """ dh = tree._alt - tree._alt[tree._tree.parents()] area = tree.get_attribute('area') return area * dh
[docs]def show_spectrum(s, xedges, yedges, x_log, y_log, log_scale=True): """ Display a pattern spectrum with matplotlib. Parameters ---------- s : ndarray The pattern spectrum. xedges : ndarray The bin edges along the x-axis. yedges : ndarray The bin edges along the y-axis. x_log : bool Parameter indicating if the x-axis is a log scale. y_log : bool Parameter indicating if the y-axis is a log scale. log_scale : bool If ``True``, the colormap use a log scale. Default is ``True``. See Also -------- spectrum2d : Compute a 2D pattern spectrum. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> import sap Create a toy image, compute the "area" and "compactness" pattern spectrum with the tree of shape of the image. >>> image = np.arange(100 * 100).reshape(100, 100) >>> tree = sap.TosTree(image) >>> ps = sap.spectrum2d(tree, 'area', 'compactness', x_log=True) Setup a matplotlib figure with 2 subplots. >>> plt.figure(figsize=(10,4)) >>> plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) Draw the spectrum with a linear color map. >>> sap.show_spectrum(*ps, log_scale=False) Decorate the subplot. >>> plt.colorbar() >>> plt.xlabel('area') >>> plt.ylabel('compactness') >>> plt.title('Linear colormap') >>> plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) Draw the spectrum with a log color map (default). >>> sap.show_spectrum(*ps) Decorate the subplot. >>> plt.colorbar() >>> plt.xlabel('area') >>> plt.title('Log colormap') Display the figure. >>> .. image:: ../../img/ps_log.png """ pc = plt.pcolormesh(xedges, yedges, s.T, norm=mpl.colors.LogNorm() if log_scale else None) plt.gca().set_xlim(xedges[0], xedges[-1]) plt.gca().set_ylim(yedges[0], yedges[-1]) if x_log: plt.xscale('log') if y_log: plt.yscale('log')