Source code for sap.trees

#!/usr/bin/env python
# file
# author Florent Guiotte <>
# version 0.0
# date 13 nov. 2019

This submodule contains the component tree classes.


Simple creation of the max-tree of an image, compute the area attributes
of the nodes and reconstruct a filtered image removing nodes with area
less than 100 pixels:

>>>  t = sap.MaxTree(image)
>>>  area = t.get_attribute('area')
>>>  filtered_image = t.reconstruct(area < 100)


import inspect
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
from pprint import pformat
import functools

import numpy as np
import higra as hg

from .utils import *

[docs]def available_attributes(): """ Return a dictionary of available attributes and parameters. Returns ------- dict_of_attributes : dict The names of available attributes and parameters required. The names are keys (str) and the parameters are values (list of str) of the dictionary. See Also -------- get_attribute : Return the attribute values of the tree nodes. Notes ----- The list of available attributes is generated dynamically. It is dependent of higra's installed version. For more details, please refer to `higra documentation <>`_ according to the appropriate higra's version. Example ------- >>> sap.available_attributes() {'area': ['vertex_area=None', 'leaf_graph=None'], 'compactness': ['area=None', 'contour_length=None', ...], ... 'volume': ['altitudes', 'area=None']} """ params_remove = ['tree'] dict_of_attributes = {} for x in inspect.getmembers(hg): if x[0].startswith('attribute_'): attribute_name = x[0].replace('attribute_', '') attribute_param = \ [str(x) for x in inspect.signature(x[1]).parameters.values()] if attribute_param[0] != 'tree': continue attribute_param = \ list(filter(lambda x: x not in params_remove, attribute_param)) dict_of_attributes[attribute_name] = attribute_param return dict_of_attributes
[docs]def save(file, tree): """Save a tree to a NumPy archive file. Parameters ---------- file : str or pathlib.Path File to which the tree is saved. tree: Tree Tree to be saved. Examples -------- >>> mt = sap.MaxTree(np.random.random((100,100))) >>>'tree.npz', mt) """ tree_file = Path(tempfile.mkstemp()[1]) graph_file = Path(tempfile.mkstemp()[1]) # TODO: Remove _alt once higra fixed hg.save_tree(str(tree_file), tree._tree, {'_alt': tree._alt}) hg.save_graph_pink(str(graph_file), tree._graph) with'rb') as f: tree_bytes = with'rb') as f: graph_bytes = tree_file.unlink() graph_file.unlink() data = tree.__dict__.copy() data['_tree'] = tree_bytes data['_graph'] = graph_bytes data['__class__'] = tree.__class__ np.savez_compressed(file, **data)
[docs]def load(file): """Load a tree from a Higra tree file. Parameters ---------- file : str or pathlib.Path File to which the tree is loaded. Examples -------- >>> mt = sap.MaxTree(np.arange(10000).reshape(100,100)) >>>'tree.npz', mt) >>> sap.load('tree.npz') MaxTree{num_nodes: 20000, image.shape: (100, 100), image.dtype: int64} """ data = np.load(str(file), allow_pickle=True) payload = {} for f in data.files: payload[f] = data[f].item() if data[f].size == 1 else data[f] tree_file = Path(tempfile.mkstemp()[1]) graph_file = Path(tempfile.mkstemp()[1]) with'wb') as f: f.write(payload['_tree']) with'wb') as f: f.write(payload['_graph']) tree_cls = payload.pop('__class__') tree = tree_cls(None) tree.__dict__.update(payload) tree._tree = hg.read_tree(str(tree_file))[0] tree._graph = hg.read_graph_pink(str(graph_file))[0] tree_file.unlink() graph_file.unlink() return tree
[docs]class Tree: """ Abstract class for tree representations of images. Notes ----- You should not instantiate class :class:`Tree` directly, use `MaxTree` or `MinTree` instead. """ def __init__(self, image, adjacency, image_name=None, operation_name='non def'): if self.__class__ == Tree: raise TypeError('Do not instantiate directly abstract class Tree.') self._image_name = image_name self._image_hash = ndarray_hash(image) if image is not None else None self._adjacency = adjacency self._image = image self.operation_name = operation_name if image is not None: self._graph = self._get_adjacency_graph() self._construct() def __str__(self): return str(self.__repr__())
[docs] def get_params(self): return {'image_name': self._image_name, 'image_hash': self._image_hash, 'adjacency': self._adjacency}
def __repr__(self): if hasattr(self, '_tree'): rep = self.get_params() rep.update({'num_nodes': self.num_nodes(), 'image.shape': self._image.shape, 'image.dtype': self._image.dtype}) else: rep = {} return self.__class__.__name__ + pformat(rep) def _get_adjacency_graph(self): if self._adjacency == 4: return hg.get_4_adjacency_graph(self._image.shape) elif self._adjacency == 8: return hg.get_8_adjacency_graph(self._image.shape) else: raise NotImplementedError('adjacency of {} is not ' 'implemented.'.format(self._adjacency))
[docs] def available_attributes(self=None): """ Return a dictionary of available attributes and parameters. Returns ------- dict_of_attributes : dict The names of available attributes and parameters required. The names are keys (str) and the parameters are values (list of str) of the dictionary. See Also -------- Tree.get_attribute : Return the attribute values of the tree nodes. Notes ----- The list of available attributes is generated dynamically. It is dependent of higra's installed version. For more details, please refer to `higra documentation <>`_ according to the appropriate higra's version. Example ------- >>> sap.Tree.available_attributes() {'area': ['vertex_area=None', 'leaf_graph=None'], 'compactness': ['area=None', 'contour_length=None', ...], ... 'volume': ['altitudes', 'area=None']} """ return available_attributes()
def _get_higra_attribute_func(self, attribute_name): try: attribute_func = getattr(hg, 'attribute_' + attribute_name) except AttributeError: raise ValueError(f'Wrong attribute or out feature: \'{attribute_name}\'') return attribute_func def _set_params_on_higra_attribute_func(self, attribute_func, **kwargs): kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs if 'altitudes' in inspect.signature(attribute_func).parameters: kwargs['altitudes'] = kwargs.get('altitudes', self._alt) if 'vertex_weights' in inspect.signature(attribute_func).parameters: kwargs['vertex_weights'] = kwargs.get('vertex_weights', self._image) return functools.partial(attribute_func, **kwargs) def _get_higra_attribute_func_with_default(self, attribute_name, **kwargs): attribute_func = self._get_higra_attribute_func(attribute_name) attribute_func = self._set_params_on_higra_attribute_func(attribute_func, **kwargs) return attribute_func
[docs] def get_attribute(self, attribute_name, **kwargs): """ Get attribute values of the tree nodes. Parameters ------ attribute_name : str Name of the attribute (e.g. 'area', 'compactness', ...) Returns ------- attribute_values: ndarray The values of attribute for each nodes. See Also -------- available_attributes : Return the list of available attributes. Notes ----- Some attributes require additional parameters. Please refer to `available_attributes`. If not stated, some additional parameters are automatically deducted. These deducted parameters are 'altitudes' and 'vertex_weights'. The available attributes depends of higra's installed version. For further details Please refer to `higra documentation <>`_ according to the appropriate higra's version. Examples -------- >>> image = np.arange(20 * 50).reshape(20, 50) >>> t = sap.MaxTree(image) >>> t.get_attribute('area') array([ 1., 1., 1., ..., 998., 999., 1000.]) """ compute = self._get_higra_attribute_func_with_default(attribute_name, **kwargs) return compute(self._tree)
[docs] def reconstruct(self, deleted_nodes=None, feature='altitude', filtering='direct'): """ Return the reconstructed image according to deleted nodes. Parameters ---------- deleted_nodes : ndarray or boolean, optional Boolean array of nodes to delete. The length of the array should be of same of node count. feature : str, optional The feature to be reconstructed. Can be any attribute of the tree (see :func:`available_attributes`). The default is `'altitude'`, the grey level of the node. filtering : str, optional The filtering rule to use. It can be 'direct', 'min', 'max' or 'subtractive'. Default is 'direct'. Returns ------- filtered_image : ndarray The reconstructed image. Examples -------- >>> image = np.arange(5 * 5).reshape(5, 5) >>> mt = sap.MaxTree(image) >>> mt.reconstruct() array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [15, 16, 17, 18, 19], [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]]) >>> area = mt.get_attribute('area') >>> mt.reconstruct(area > 10) array([[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [15, 16, 17, 18, 19], [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]]) """ if isinstance(deleted_nodes, bool): deleted_nodes = np.array((deleted_nodes,) * self.num_nodes()) elif deleted_nodes is None: deleted_nodes = np.zeros(self.num_nodes(), dtype=bool) feature_value = self._alt if feature == 'altitude' else \ self.get_attribute(feature) if isinstance(feature, str) \ else feature rules = {'direct': self._filtering_direct, 'min': self._filtering_min, 'max': self._filtering_max, 'subtractive': self._filtering_subtractive} feature_value, deleted_nodes = rules[filtering](feature_value, deleted_nodes) return hg.reconstruct_leaf_data(self._tree, feature_value, deleted_nodes)
def _filtering_direct(self, feature_value, direct): deleted_nodes = direct.astype(bool) return feature_value, deleted_nodes def _filtering_min(self, feature_value, direct): deleted_nodes = hg.propagate_sequential(self._tree, direct, ~direct).astype(bool) return feature_value, deleted_nodes def _filtering_max(self, feature_value, direct): deleted_nodes = hg.accumulate_and_min_sequential(self._tree, direct, np.ones(self._tree.num_leaves()), hg.Accumulators.min).astype(bool) return feature_value, deleted_nodes def _filtering_subtractive(self, feature_value, direct): deleted_nodes = direct.astype(bool) delta = feature_value - feature_value[self._tree.parents()] delta[direct] = 0 delta[self._tree.root()] = feature_value[self._tree.root()] feature_value = hg.propagate_sequential_and_accumulate(self._tree, delta, hg.Accumulators.sum) return feature_value, deleted_nodes
[docs] def num_nodes(self): """ Return the node count of the tree. Returns ------- nodes_count : int The node count of the tree. """ return self._tree.num_vertices()
[docs]class MaxTree(Tree): """ Max tree class, the local maxima values of the image are in leafs. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray The image to be represented by the tree structure. adjacency : int The pixel connectivity to use during the tree creation. It determines the number of pixels to be taken into account in the neighborhood of each pixel. The allowed adjacency are 4 or 8. Default is 4. image_name : str, optional The name of the image Useful to track filtering process and display. Notes ----- Inherits all methods of :class:`Tree` class. """ def __init__(self, image, adjacency=4, image_name=None): super().__init__(image, adjacency, image_name, 'thickening') def _construct(self): self._tree, self._alt = hg.component_tree_max_tree(self._graph, self._image)
[docs]class MinTree(Tree): """ Min tree class, the local minima values of the image are in leafs. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray The image to be represented by the tree structure. adjacency : int The pixel connectivity to use during the tree creation. It determines the number of pixels to be taken into account in the neighborhood of each pixel. The allowed adjacency are 4 or 8. Default is 4. image_name : str, optional The name of the image Useful to track filtering process and display. Notes ----- Inherits all methods of :class:`Tree` class. """ def __init__(self, image, adjacency=4, image_name=None): super().__init__(image, adjacency, image_name, 'thinning') def _construct(self): self._tree, self._alt = hg.component_tree_min_tree(self._graph, self._image)
[docs]class TosTree(Tree): """ Tree of shapes, the local maxima values of the image are in leafs. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray The image to be represented by the tree structure. adjacency : int **Not implemented yet**, this parameter is set for compatibility with other tree constructors. image_name : str, optional The name of the image Useful to track filtering process and display. Notes ----- Inherits all the methods of :class:`Tree` class. Todo ---- - take into account adjacency """ def __init__(self, image, adjacency=4, image_name=None): super().__init__(image, adjacency, image_name, 'sd filtering') def _construct(self): self._tree, self._alt = hg.component_tree_tree_of_shapes_image2d(self._image)
[docs]class AlphaTree(Tree): """ Alpha tree, partition the image depending of the weight between pixels. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray The image to be represented by the tree structure. adjacency : int The pixel connectivity to use during the tree creation. It determines the number of pixels to be taken into account in the neighborhood of each pixel. The allowed adjacency are 4 or 8. Default is 4. image_name : str, optional The name of the image Useful to track filtering process and display. weight_function : str or higra.WeightFunction The weight function to use during the construction of the tree. Can be 'L0', 'L1', 'L2', 'L2_squared', 'L_infinity', 'max', 'min', 'mean' or a `higra.WeightFunction`. The default is 'L1'. Notes ----- Inherits all the methods of :class:`Tree` class. """ def __init__(self, image, adjacency=4, image_name=None, weight_function='L1'): if isinstance(weight_function, str): try: self._weight_function = getattr(hg.WeightFunction, weight_function) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('Wrong value \'{}\' for attribute' \ ' weight_function'.format(weight_function)) elif isinstance(weight_function, hg.higram.WeightFunction): self._weight_function = weight_function else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknow type \'{}\' for parameter' \ ' weight_function'.format(type(weight_function))) super().__init__(image, adjacency, image_name, 'alpha filtering') def _construct(self): weight = hg.weight_graph(self._graph, self._image, self._weight_function) self._tree, alt = hg.quasi_flat_zone_hierarchy(self._graph, weight) self._alt, self._variance = hg.attribute_gaussian_region_weights_model(self._tree, self._image)
[docs]class OmegaTree(Tree): """ Partition the image depending of the constrained weight between pixels. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray The image to be represented by the tree structure. adjacency : int The pixel connectivity to use during the tree creation. It determines the number of pixels to be taken into account in the neighborhood of each pixel. The allowed adjacency are 4 or 8. Default is 4. image_name : str, optional The name of the image Useful to track filtering process and display. Notes ----- Inherits all the methods of :class:`Tree` class. """ def __init__(self, image, adjacency=4, image_name=None): super().__init__(image, adjacency, image_name, '(ω) filtering') def _construct(self): edge_weights = hg.weight_graph(self._graph, self._image, getattr(hg.WeightFunction, 'L1')) vertex_weights = hg.linearize_vertex_weights(self._image, self._graph) tree, alt = hg.quasi_flat_zone_hierarchy(self._graph, edge_weights) min_value = hg.accumulate_sequential(tree, vertex_weights, hg.Accumulators.min) max_value = hg.accumulate_sequential(tree, vertex_weights, hg.Accumulators.max) value_range = max_value - min_value range_parents = value_range[tree.parents()] violated_constraints = value_range >= range_parents self._tree, node_map = hg.simplify_tree(tree, violated_constraints) self._alt, self._variance = hg.attribute_gaussian_region_weights_model(self._tree, self._image)
[docs]class WatershedTree(Tree): """ Construct a hierarchical watershed from the gradient of the input image. Parameters ---------- image : 2D ndarray The image from which the gradient (an edge-weighted graph) is constructed. markers : 2D ndarray of same dimension as 'image' Prior-knowledge to be combined to the image gradient before the construction of the hierarchical watershed. See notes. adjacency : int The pixel connectivity used to compute edge-weighted graph which represents the image gradient. The allowed adjacency are 4 or 8. Default is 4. image_name : str, optional The name of the image. weight_function : str The function used to compute dissimilarity between neighbour pixels. Default is 'L1' (absolute different between pixel values). watershed_attribute : str The criteria used to guide the construction of the hierarchical watershed. The allowed criteria are : 'area', 'volume', 'dynamics' and 'parents'. Notes ----- Inherits all the methods of :class:`Tree` class. The :attr:`markers` parameter is prior-knowledge to be combined to the image gradient before the construction of the hierarchical watershed. The method is described in : Maia, Deise Santana, Minh-Tan Pham, and Sébastien Lefèvre. `Watershed-based attribute profiles for pixel classification of remote sensing data <>`_. International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology. Springer, Cham, 2021. We expect the markers to be a gray-scale image in which dark and homogeneous regions have the highest probability of belonging to the same catchment basins. If :attr:`markers` is ``None``, it is replaced by an ndarray of ones, the result will be equivalent of not using markers at all. """ def __init__(self, image, markers=None, adjacency=4, image_name=None, weight_function='L1', watershed_attribute='area'): self._watershed_attribute = watershed_attribute if isinstance(weight_function, str): try: self._weight_function = getattr(hg.WeightFunction, weight_function) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('Wrong value \'{}\' for attribute' ' weight_function'.format(weight_function)) elif isinstance(weight_function, hg.higram.WeightFunction): self._weight_function = weight_function else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Unknow type \'{}\' for parameter' ' weight_function'.format(type(weight_function))) self._markers = np.ones_like(image) if markers is None else markers super().__init__(image, adjacency, image_name, 'watershed filtering') def _construct(self): markers_gradient = hg.weight_graph(self._graph, self._markers, hg.WeightFunction.max) weight = hg.weight_graph(self._graph, self._image, self._weight_function) weight *= markers_gradient ws_hierachies = { 'area': hg.watershed_hierarchy_by_area, 'dynamics': hg.watershed_hierarchy_by_dynamics, 'volume': hg.watershed_hierarchy_by_volume, 'parents': hg.watershed_hierarchy_by_number_of_parents, } self._tree, alt = ws_hierachies[self._watershed_attribute]( self._graph, weight) # Node represented by the average gray level inside a node self._alt, self._variance = hg.attribute_gaussian_region_weights_model(self._tree, self._image)